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We supply a wide range of Damper configurations for process gas control and isolation applications. Our custom Steel Stack solutions are a critical component of industrial pollution control and provide long years of reliable service.

While valves used for high-pressure applications, dampers are used for low pressure. Dampers can be designed for zero leaks using appropriate seals and seal air fans.  Typical applications include:

  • Gas Turbines & Heat Recovery
  • Desulphurization (Wet and Dry)
  • Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO)
  • Chimneys and Stack
  • Power Plants Gas, Coal, Diesel
  • Smelting Plants Zn, Cu Al

We supply a comprehensive range of dampers in the main configurations outlined below.  Please enquiry for detailed specifications or any custom project requirements.



Louver dampers are used for control or isolation, typically in four standard types: Parallel, Opposed, Double, and Tandem Louvers. Each louver has a row of blades that are used to control or isolate the gas flow of any process system.

They have a fast operating speed and minimal perimeter clearance requirements. Applications include flue gas processing, CHP diverter systems, pressure relief, airflow control, gas exhaust, and pre-spinning of duct air.

Butterfly dampers are used in round duct applications. A relatively simple design and construction, therefore low cost, and have a quick closing action. They are typically specified in systems of light particulate or clean gas for flow control and low leakage functions. Applications include: system balancing, baghouses, high temp flue gas processing, refineries, and steel mills.

Guillotine Dampers are most commonly specified in maintenance applications where  positive isolation for maintenance and service conditions. Available either as low leak or zero leak specification.

Both styles are ideal for a high degree of isolation, with a low pressure drop while open. Applications across maintenance provision in steel mills, power plants, cement plants, reformers, petrochemical, and heavy duty exhaust systems.

Diverter dampers are designed with one inlet and two outlets, usually at right angles from each other. This system always allows for an escape route for the flue gas, therefore protecting any upstream equipment from bottlenecking the turbine. Diverters can be supplied in a low leak or zero leak application. They are perfect for clean applications that require low-pressure drop and good isolation. Diverter dampers are available in three configurations: Louver, Flap and Tee.

Primarily for isolation or bypass applications such as waste heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) on gas turbine systems. These are designed specifically for the harsh and demanding service of these combined cycle systems.

Radial Vane dampers are most commonly associated with fans handling flue gases. They provide additional flow control for fan inlets. Radial Vanes also installed as an energy efficiency fan accessory by providing pre-spin of the air into the fan. Starting the fan while the damper is in the closed position allows for a low power start-up. Supplied with a cantilevered blade design, complete with two external bearings - this eliminates the need for blade support and bearings in the gas stream.

Stack isolation dampers provide accurate airflow and isolation at extremely elevated temperatures. They function to minimize heat loss from the boiler and to protect ductwork from the elements, such as rain water. Designed for high reliability with multiple sealing options, pressure relief for boiler protection, blade vibration resistance, and flue gas isolation. Applications include the exhaust stack for Gas Turbine (GT) and Heat Recovery Systems (HRSG)

Used for frequent, quick cycling time and tight shut-off. An economical choice for a simple on-off system, providing high reliability and low maintenance over the life of the damper. Poppet dampers are used for multi-directional airflow control. They are engineered to control the reverse gas flow, outlet flow, and bypass flow of gases, in turn enhancing filtration, eliminating gas starving and reducing system wear. Designed with lock outs in both the open and closed positions for safe maintenance, typically used in  baghouses, incinerators, and thermal oxidizer systems.

We supply high performance Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) or auxiliary mass damper for steel stack systems. These enable stack mass to vibrate at the same frequency as the structure, but with a phase shift. The stack is attached to the structure by a spring-dashpot system and energy is dissipated by the dashpot as relative motion develops.

Steel stacks are prone to move in a crosswind manner due to vortex shedding. Since steel stacks have very low inherent dampening, this movement is not easily stopped. Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) are passive, secondary vibration systems designed to increase the structural dampening of the primary system.

They significantly reduce the cross-wind and along-wind vibrations, including the effects of aerodynamic interference by other nearby towers or chimneys. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Steel Stack Standard STS-1 prescribes the conditions under which vibration control is required. We meet the requirements of ASME STS-1 and CICIND Model Code for Steel Chimneys.

The Tuned Mass Damper works for vortex shedding by transferring lateral forces to the stack from a mass suspended from the top of the stack. These forces are transmitted from the mass to the stack via flexible isolators affixed between the mass and the stack. The isolators and the mass are flexible to allow “tuning” of the secondary system frequency to the primary stack system.


We design custom steel stack solutions optimized for the performance specification relative to project budget.

We consider various factors such as stack configuration, lining materials, coatings and sub-components, all matched to the operational site conditions.

Please get in touch for an initial discussion for your specific project requirements.